ACUS02 KWNS 050602 SWODY2 SPC AC 050600 Day 2 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 1200 AM CST Tue Mar 05 2024 Valid 061200Z - 071200Z ...THERE IS A MARGINAL RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS ACROSS PARTS OF THE FLORIDA PENINSULA...AND THE SOUTHERN PLAINS... ...SUMMARY... Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms may occur Wednesday across parts of the Florida Peninsula and the southern Plains. Occasional large hail and gusty winds should be the main threats with this activity. ...Synopsis... An upper trough will move northeastward across the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic on Wednesday. A related, weak surface low is likewise forecast to develop northeastward from GA/SC into NC and southern VA through Wednesday evening. A moist low-level airmass will be in place across these areas ahead of a cold front. Still, greater instability (and isolated severe potential) is generally expected to remain over parts of FL, and offshore over the warmer Gulf Stream waters. Separate areas of thunderstorms may occur through the period across parts of coastal southern CA as an upper trough/low with associated cold mid-level temperatures moves eastward, and across parts of the Great Basin. Weak forecast instability over these regions should limit any appreciable severe threat. ...Central/South Florida... Cool temperatures at mid levels (500 mb temperatures around -10 to -12C) should aid in weak to moderate instability developing across parts of the FL Peninsula through Wednesday afternoon, although the potential for ongoing morning convection may hinder daytime heating to some extent. Still, ascent associated with the upper trough, and a related mid/upper-level jet, should help sustain thunderstorms moving eastward from the eastern Gulf across the FL Peninsula through the morning and perhaps early afternoon. Even though deep-layer shear may only strengthen to around 25-35 kt, somewhat elongated/straight hodographs at mid/upper levels may support an isolated hail threat with any of the stronger cores that can persist. Occasional damaging winds also appear possible with convective downdrafts as low-level lapse rates gradually steepen with daytime heating. The potential for redevelopment behind early-day convection appears rather uncertain/conditional, as the better forcing attendant to the upper trough should be moving northeastward and away from the FL Peninsula by Wednesday afternoon. ...Southern/Central Plains... Modest low-level moisture should advance northward across parts of the southern/central Plains through the period as weak cyclogenesis occurs over the southern High Plains. Even though large-scale ascent should remain modest beneath a strong southern-stream mid/ upper-level jet, some guidance suggests that robust convection may develop by late Wednesday afternoon across parts of north-central TX in the vicinity of a weak front/dryline intersection. Around 30-40 kt of deep-layer shear in combination with steepened low/mid-level lapse rates and at least weak instability should support some updraft organization if convection can initiate. Isolated large hail appears possible with the stronger cores, along with occasional severe winds. Have included a Marginal Risk across parts of north-central TX to account for this potential, although the overall threat remains somewhat conditional given nebulous large-scale forcing. Generally elevated convection may also occur across a broader part of the southern/central Plains Wednesday night into early Thursday morning as a southerly low-level jet strengthens across these regions. This activity should remain sub-severe, although small hail appears possible. ..Gleason.. 03/05/2024 $$