NOUS42 KWNO 160931 ADMSDM SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS COLLEGE PARK MD 0930Z TUE APR 16 2024 CRITICAL WEATHER DAY STATUS... Critical Weather Day is not scheduled in the next 3 days. However, NCO is monitoring the need for CWD to support severe weather operations across the Midwest on Tuesday. CRITICAL WEATHER OUTLOOK... Tuesday - Caution...Severe Thunderstorms. Wednesday - None. Thursday - None. MDS STATUS... GOES-E MDS Sector 1 will be centered over 38.8N/91.5W from 16/1200Z to 17/1200Z in support of severe weather operations across the Midwest. GOES-W MDS Sector 1 will be centered over 34.5N/104.9W from 16/1500Z to 17/0600Z in support of fire weather operations across the southern High Plains. Gerhardt/SDM/NCO/NCEP